
Showing posts from September, 2022

What is cybersecurity IT security consulting and what do they do?

  What does a cyber security consultant do? Cyber security consultant or IT security consulting is one who advises companies mainly on the human side. IT consulting company Atlanta can be seen from a different angle on how people use technology. People tend to think that cyber security is a very technologically focused subject which of course it is but the most important thing is how people interact with technology sounds very technical. To say cyber security , it sounds like it's very much about computers and about technology and electronics and of course it is to some extent but just as much as it's about technology. It's also about people and about processes so it's often said in this industry that there's no such thing as a malicious machine there is also always a human at the end of it. And so, if you have a cyber attack you know that is a human element that is criminals attacking a company and when organizations have data breaches which are very common. How d